Chinese Newcomer Women Group
Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
南河谷社區健康中心 華語新移民小組
Chinese Newcomers Group 2019
2019年1 月 16日– 3月 20日 (星期三)下午1至3時
集會地點: 皇后東街 955號 (Queen 夾 Carlaw)
活動包括: 討論、分享、烹煮體驗、淺嚐示範菜式等等
焦點:· 健康生活方式 · 調校生活態度 · 衝破適應障礙
- 安全舒適環境,分享安康資訊以及社區資源。 當我們一起準備和烹調時,讓大家 有機會學習和分享健康飲食相關知識和技能,並且編製更健康的各種文化食譜。
- 分享自己的經驗,建立支援網絡,探索圍繞新移民福祉的其他問題,並培養領導才能。
名額有限, 有興趣者請即致電 (416) 461-1925 內線 248 與何姑娘聯絡
Chinese Speaking Newcomers Group
Wednesdays from 1-3pm
We offer:
- a safe and comfortable environment with access to information and community resources
- opportunities to learn and share knowledge and skills on healthy eating
- healthier recipes for a range of cultural dishes will be developed when we prepare and cook together
Group members can also:
- Share their own experiences and build a support network
- Explore other issue surrounding newcomers’ well-being
- Develop leadership skills
Register with Grace at (416) 461-1925 ext. 248
Free childcare and refreshments provided
Venue Address
- South Riverdale Community Health Centre
- 955 Queen St E,
- Toronto, Ontario M4M 3P3
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